2025 5th International Conference on Energy Engineering and Power Systems (EEPS 2025)
EEPS 2021
Home / EEPS 2021



2021 International Conference on Energy Engineering and Power Systems(EEPS 2021) has been held online conference on August 21, 2021. EEPS 2021 conference was attended by 150 participants, including 6 keynote speakers and eight oral speakers sharing academic reports. Thanks to the support of experts and scholars!

In view of the COVID-19 outbreak in many parts of China, the EEPS 2021 conference, which was scheduled to be held in Hangzhou, has been changed to an online conference.

      2021年能源工程与电力系统国际会议(EEPS 2021)已于2021年8月21日在线召开。EEPS 2021会议有150人与会,其中包括六位主讲嘉宾和八位口头演讲学者分享学术报告。感谢各位专家和学者的支持!

      鉴于我国多地疫情暴发,原定在杭州举行的EEPS 2021会议已改为线上会议。

Keynote Speech | 主题报告


Assoc. Prof. Jiyun Zhao

City University of Hong Kong


演讲题目: Optimization of air-cooling technology for LiFePO4 battery pack based on deep learning

Prof. Caixia Chen

East China University of Science and Technology


演讲题目: A Comprehensive Two-fluid Model for Industrial Moving Grate 

MSW Incinerators

Assoc. Prof. Tiemin Xuan

Jiangsu University


演讲题目: Optical investigation on in-flame soot formation of diesel sprays

Assoc. Prof. Yingying Xiong

Shanxi University


演讲题目: The study on agglomeration and removal of fine particles in wet phase transition condensation process

Assoc. Prof. Abdul-Sattar Nizami

Government College University


演讲题目: Integrated Waste Biorefineries as Power Plant of the Future

Assoc. Prof. Bin Guan

Shanghai Jiao Tong University


演讲题目: Advanced Aftertreatment Technologies and Integrated System to Meet Future Stringent Vehicle Emissions Regulations

Oral Presentation | 口头演讲

Shagali Abdulmajid Abdullahi

Huazhong University of Science and Technology


演讲题目: Comparative study on one-step 

pyrolysis activation of walnut shells to biochar at different heating rates

Min Wang

Shandong University of Science and Technology


演讲题目: Research of energy literacy and 

environmental regulation research based on tripartite deterrence game model

Yafen Tian,

Shanghai University for Science and Technology


演讲题目: Thermodynamic evaluation and 

comparison of direct geothermal power systems and their expanders

Zhenao Sun

Northeastern University


演讲题目: An Oscillation Damping Method for 

Frequency-Detector-Less Virtual Synchronous 


Yaxuan Han

North China Electric Power University


演讲题目: The Situation and Suggestions of 

New Energy Power System Under the 

Background of Carbon Reduction in China

Menglian Li

East China University of Technology


演讲题目: Research on the influence of social 

capital on natural gas industry

Yueli Dong

Ordos Institute of Technology


演讲题目: Research on modeling method of 

power system network security risk assessment based on object-oriented Bayesian network

Huanying Chi

Huazhong University of Science and Technology


演讲题目: Comprehensive study on the effect of CO2 on coal pyrolysis at fast heating rate

Poster Presentation | 海报展示

幻灯片1.PNG幻灯片1.PNGposter-EEPS2021-UAQNRNKTNI-HJ工程大学-郭明 .pngposter-EEPS2021-Zhang XJ.pngposter-EEPS2021-东北石油大学-董康兴.pngposter-EEPS2021-国网电科院-陈昊喆 .png
poster-EEPS2021-国网电科院-孙才峰.png张贴-论文编号UAQNRNEVNT-订单号221071118225246644.pngposter-eeps2021-荆楚理工学院-郭婷.pngposter-EEPS2021-上海交通大学-陈东文.png韩谷静.PNG张书铨 杭州会议参会海报.png
Safety level radar map of urban distribution network in Liaoning Province under ice disaster海报.png

Group Photo | 合影